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Van2587 @van2587
Van2587 @van2587
Saaaaame. Glad you’re back!

simcachan21 @simcachan21
simcachan21 @simcachan21
It’s my all time favorite

Aka-san @redhawk Anyone see what happened?

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 No idea tbh I thought you and sep the only person who can ban them @redhawk

Aka-san @redhawk there are other mods and I think some automated system in place, wasn't me thats for sure

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Hm I gotcha. I know she's made a few different accounts so maybe theirs history behind it?

calchan92 @calchan92 I was chatting with her when her account was banned. Everything seemed normal when chatting with her

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Strange

lunargirl96 @lunargirl96
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lunargirl96 @lunargirl96
Ah thank you! ^ ^ you seem like a great person as well ^-^

lunargirl96 @lunargirl96
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lunargirl96 @lunargirl96
Hello, thank you thank you I try to be ^^
Anyone on here gonna attend Fanime 2019?

Van2587 @van2587
commented on
Anyone on here gonna attend Fanime 2019?
Van2587 @van2587
I will! I’ll be cosplaying as Trafalgar Law :3

Van2587 @van2587
commented on
Van2587 @van2587
I’m not one to judge others. I just want to openly put out there that I’ve been talking to her for awhile. I just want shit to be real and find out the truth if she’s been talking to others in more than a friend kind of way “currently”