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xxx_AspeBear_xxx @xxxdynamightxxx
xxx_AspeBear_xxx @xxxdynamightxxx
Awe thank youu!! Yeah let's talk more :))

taki123 @taki123
left a comment for
taki123 @taki123
Your profile is very interesting. I would like to talk to you more.

taki123 @taki123
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taki123 @taki123
Your profile is very interesting. I would like to talk to you more.

xxx_AspeBear_xxx @xxxdynamightxxx
xxx_AspeBear_xxx @xxxdynamightxxx
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

xxx_AspeBear_xxx @xxxdynamightxxx
commented on
What Are You Listening To Right Now?
xxx_AspeBear_xxx @xxxdynamightxxx
You all will laugh... I am listening to christmas music ... Yep in september... I am alternating between Anime soundtracks to christmas songs
Random thoughts...

xxx_AspeBear_xxx @xxxdynamightxxx
commented on
Random thoughts...
xxx_AspeBear_xxx @xxxdynamightxxx
This isn't anime related but where does wind come from and also if I ripped the wings off of a fly... would it make it a walk...