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krztl @krztl
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krztl @krztl
Hey, hope you're having a good day. Also, nice cosplays.

wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
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wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
Hiya! I just happened upon your profile! I love Castle in the Sky and I saw it in your favorites! It's my favorite Studio Ghibli film. ^_^

toukayeol @toukayeol
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toukayeol @toukayeol
BIgBang is probably one of my favorites, I remember listening to them a lot when I was in middle school ahaha
Meme Repost Spam Thread V2

super24 @super24
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Meme Repost Spam Thread V2
super24 @super24
That's hilarious lol
Why are you single?

super24 @super24
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Why are you single?
super24 @super24
I went through high school (no boyfriend) and then college (no boyfriend) I was just really worried on graduating or studying that I didn't realize what was going on around me. I started getting the big picture when I started to notice all my high school friends getting married or having kids. I have one friend that is on her fourth child! I'm turning 26 in a few weeks and it's always the same (hurry get married!! Make babies) why can't I just meet someone like My Big Fat Greek Wedding where everything makes sense lol and no one dies
Sep 4-6
May 6-8
Sep 2-4
May 26-28