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bahkai @bahkai
bahkai @bahkai
Hello, will anyone be at the Hyper Japan event this weekend in London?

koszulcia xd @koszulcia
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koszulcia xd @koszulcia
no problem XD sorry for late reply, dont know why but i didnt notice anything new on my profile >_<
how are you?

_-_ @robjm0
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_-_ @robjm0
Daaaamn! I can't stand modern history. :P I'm really into like ancient to renaissance history and could maybe deal with a bit of colonial but modern history can fuck right off! English too, that boring as hell to me. :P all I can say is, you're a better man than I am!
What do you want to do after uni then? :)
Naruto Ninja Storm 3 players for xbox??

bahkai @bahkai
Naruto Ninja Storm 3 players for xbox??
bahkai @bahkai
Lets all add each other and have an endless or something :D