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ceejayy313 @ceejayy313
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ceejayy313 @ceejayy313
your cool , wanna talk about anime and stuff?

mikage kinciad @mikagekincaid
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mikage kinciad @mikagekincaid
Sweet, another star wars fan. Nice to meetcha ^.^

darkroxas25 @darkroxas25
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darkroxas25 @darkroxas25
hey o.o
Katscuon 2011'

Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
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Katscuon 2011'
Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
im doing these
padme amidala or leia
yukina yyh
kaoru kamiya
1 thing that ticks me off (VENT PEOPLE!)

Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
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1 thing that ticks me off (VENT PEOPLE!)
Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
Anger hate it leads to the dark side of the otaku force lol