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savergreed @savergreed
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Vasto Lorde
savergreed @savergreed
lol for me well its Tenchi Muyo XD
I just love that anime so much!!!!

Xonjathan @xonjathan
left a comment for
Vasto Lorde
Xonjathan @xonjathan
Hey Have Not heard from you in awhile. Thought I would pop in, and Ask how you been?

Aka-san @redhawk
left a comment for
Vasto Lorde
Aka-san @redhawk
whats up then?
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Remake

Vasto Lorde @zipcrane
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Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Remake
Vasto Lorde @zipcrane
At first I thought it was a joke considering how much "Hoen confirmed" has been thrown around but I'm totally pumped as Gen 3 was my favorite. Nintendo's gotta make back the money that they lost on the WiiU after all.
Danish otaku

Vasto Lorde @zipcrane
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Danish otaku
Vasto Lorde @zipcrane
Welcome! What's your favorite anime? If you can pick one from 200 haha