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wingeater @wingeater
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wingeater @wingeater
Sweet Fisheye Placebo pic

Chiaki @chiaki0978
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Chiaki @chiaki0978
haha yeah, Japanese is like, the only thing I'm confident in! (Languages in general actually)
Learning languages have always been easy for me, I guess since I was forced to be bilingual when I moved to America when I was only 5 years old.
Japanese just kind of comes naturally to me, speaking and writing it.
I guess I just have a good memory for it. Too bad I can't use that memory for math @_@
hahaha even though Levi is short, he's my favorite character! He's so cool, though >///<
I mean, I'm not even sure if I ship Mikasa and Eren but theyre still cute :p
I've stabbed my finger a few times already and bled...sigh..oh well!
haha it's okay for the long response! sometimes i get carried away too

demonrin @demonrin
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demonrin @demonrin
My favorite male character is obviously rin and my favorite female is kamiki izumo,
About golden time and magi season 2 i have not much to say cause im still at the beginning of each series but im also very curious about them :))
Who else is Japanese here?

aniki @aniki
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Who else is Japanese here?
aniki @aniki
Who Knows?

aniki @aniki
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aniki @aniki
"Technical Difficulties" xD