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rinsredtunic @rinsredtunic
rinsredtunic @rinsredtunic
I really want to start/be in a cosplay group xD

elgato619 @elgato619
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elgato619 @elgato619
Hey did you go to anime expo this year?

Dynoflame @dynoflame
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Dynoflame @dynoflame
Hey..! Message me sometime.
Attack On Titan

rinsredtunic @rinsredtunic
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Attack On Titan
rinsredtunic @rinsredtunic
I'm always late when it comes to new Anime. Last year all everyone talked about was SAO. Now it's this Attack On Titan stuff. Is it really as good as everyone says it is?

rinsredtunic @rinsredtunic
commented on
rinsredtunic @rinsredtunic
For me, it was kind of just an Anime for fan girls to gawk at half naked guys with homosexual tendencies xD I don't like swimming at all, but besides the fan service, the story line seems okay ^^;