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simplycriss79 @simplycriss79
simplycriss79 @simplycriss79

Jeez it's been forever since I've been on this. Hello all!

qing_long @qing_long
left a comment for
qing_long @qing_long
I have to leave a shout out here because I see you like ZOIDS. So many people I talk to my age haven't seen it. Shame....
But good taste in anime overall btw.

simplycriss79 @simplycriss79
simplycriss79 @simplycriss79
Wow! It’s been forever since I’ve been on here! Life has been insane but enjoyable. :) I hope everyone is doing wonderful, if anyone wants to chat add me on discord :) darlingneko79#5871
Which zodiac sign will you marry?

simplycriss79 @simplycriss79
commented on
Which zodiac sign will you marry?
simplycriss79 @simplycriss79
I'm an aries and I got virgo interesting
How do I get a neko gf nya

simplycriss79 @simplycriss79
commented on
How do I get a neko gf nya
simplycriss79 @simplycriss79
Hahaha, RainX this comment was too much XD.
But there alot of girls that dress up like that alot.