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fujinkeima @fujinkeima
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fujinkeima @fujinkeima
There,it's way too long anyway...
Talking about which,there's a tourney coming up for me..
Sorry about the delay,the heat was so intense,I quite the computer for a while... x_x

fujinkeima @fujinkeima
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fujinkeima @fujinkeima
Well,it starts from the breeding;depending on the Nature,your stats will have different spreads (there's also the IV stats,but that's too specific and random,so I always skip this part)
From here on out,you need to either give your pokemon vitamins or have them fight only specific pokemon,based on the stats you'd like to increase in priority.The stats should be "maxed" by the time you reach lvl.50,if you do it well.(you can only correct your mistakes in stat distribution by having specific Berries)
As I pointed out,it's extremely long and tedious but you get epic pokemon from this (beating the story took me 20 hours tops;breeding and properly training my team up to lvl.80 took me about 100 hours)

fujinkeima @fujinkeima
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fujinkeima @fujinkeima
Yeah,I understand.
As I pointed,stat training is admittedly very long and tedious;many just cheat their way to have perfect stats o:
True Tanks are pretty rare,though.I rarely use tanks in fact (because they happen no to be in my favourites or something)