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Noreko @noreko
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Noreko @noreko
Indeed! At least having free movies is a nice job benefit. I'm trying to get a job in something relating to my actual degree. lol I'm assuming home is Seattle?

Noreko @noreko
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Noreko @noreko
No worries. I've been busy with a bunch of work stuff. I work at a movie theater so things have been pretty busy. lol

Noreko @noreko
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Noreko @noreko
Hi, I haven't logged in a while and noticed your message. I haven't played LoL in a long time. Most of the time I'm either playing Overwatch or World of Warcraft if I feel like playing a slower paced game.
Valentine s day dreaming

van2098 @van2098
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Valentine s day dreaming
van2098 @van2098
I am one of those people who work on valentine day. Then I go back to my hotel and watch tv lol

van2098 @van2098
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van2098 @van2098
Thank you boys!!!!!