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30 year old Male
Last online over 10 years ago
I realize its a pikachu, and no

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I realize its a pikachu, and no you may not have it.
thank you :) i dont know who he is but ill take it as a compliment :)
You look like Crown J My fave korean singer
Aug 08, 13 at 11:15pm
Nah, I was in Kindergarten when I got my Pikachu backpack and my mum didn't want me to really have Pokemon cards. Instead she bought me short fables. @__@ *High five* Hello. I'm known as Haruu here, but since I know your name I should tell you mine too, my name is Brigitte. :D
Don't get me started, lol did you also carry your pokemon cards everywhere as well? :D yay high five. Btw I don't think we've met, I'm dave :)
Aug 08, 13 at 5:52pm
Really? I used to carry everything in it when I was little and feel like Ask. XD Although now it's old and in a closet. :c OH! No, don't get me wrong, it is rare. I haven't seen anyone else own a Pikachu backpack ever until now. I looked online for a new one it was really hard finding a good-looking one that actually looked like Pikachu. T_T
ooh my parents probably brought it for me :p i never really used mine that much, just been sitting on my desk gather dust. yea duh, lol i thought it mightve super rare, my whole life is a lie now :/
ooh yea may, i have a couple gameboys and dozen pokemon games that would beg to differ :p.
Aug 07, 13 at 3:03pm
Ahaha-- "just showed up"? That makes it sound kinda scary. XD Mine is super old and the cheek's white dots are worn out so.. :c It changes everything?
Trust me that is nothing compered to my collection. Lol
aha you have one too? IDk how i even got it, it just showed up one day when i was little, ( although i assume my parents brought it ) you having one changes everything :o
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