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royalxfawn @royalxfawn
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royalxfawn @royalxfawn
hmm... a lot, but some of my faves are Durarara!!, Madoka Magica, K-on!, Shingeki no Kyojin, .... etc. and you? ^ u ^

royalxfawn @royalxfawn
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royalxfawn @royalxfawn
whoops I meant animes. = v = stupid autocorrect...

royalxfawn @royalxfawn
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royalxfawn @royalxfawn
Hello! Saw you liked some animus I liked and thought I'd say hi.
^ v ^
My Idea for a cool Anime/Story. The Legend Makers

zoru @zoru
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My Idea for a cool Anime/Story. The Legend Makers
zoru @zoru
part 6 ~ Finale
Very few humans left on the planet are remained to be undiscovered by the new species who rule the planet. The humans do not dare to die out, they seek only to restore their former nations and to live in peace with the new species in the future. For now the humans live in secret until they are to be discovered some day.
My Idea for a cool Anime/Story. The Legend Makers

zoru @zoru
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My Idea for a cool Anime/Story. The Legend Makers
zoru @zoru
part 5
The gods were angry. They created a powerful stone called the Godstone. They used it to banish the demons to a far away place on the planet known as the Underworld Dimention. The gods Repopulated this planet with a much different intellignet species. For each of the 8 new lands of Viroto, the gods made 8 new species. The 8 Great Nations were formed. The Fox Nation, The Beast Nation, The Dragon Nation, The Humanoid Nation, The Spirit Nation, The Raven Nation, The Ocean Nation, and The Insect Nation. The 3 Ancient Nations, Legacy Spire, Scarlet Cross, and Amber Skull were left on 3 different islands on this planet.