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setsuryu @setsuryu
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setsuryu @setsuryu

CaptainShoes @captainshoes
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CaptainShoes @captainshoes
Howdy! Just thought i'd say hello since you're around the NC area. If you're ever bored or wanna chat sometime feel free to message me!

tiger28504 @tiger28504
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tiger28504 @tiger28504
hello :3 im new to this site and looking to make some friends. how are you? are you going to animazement?
Terrible Animes :(

Zilla @zillasenetai
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Terrible Animes :(
Zilla @zillasenetai
Crap.... double post... sorry
Terrible Animes :(

Zilla @zillasenetai
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Terrible Animes :(
Zilla @zillasenetai
"Spider Riders" I'm not even sure if it goes by an alternate title, but it was on a kiddie network my brother likes so I tried to sit and watch it. I think some of my soul was lost to that terrible dub.