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jose1990 @jose1990
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jose1990 @jose1990

hiimthechef @hiimthechef
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hiimthechef @hiimthechef wanted anime that has a manga and trumps it. Your a difficult woman but I think I might have a few. Guilty crown if you haven't seen it is first, lotta people don't like it for numerous reasons, im a fanboy. Also jormungand, full metal alchemist brotherhood, and bakemonogatari.

shy1990 @shy1990
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shy1990 @shy1990
you like making new anime friends i go here each Sunday we got some people who like anime video games and comics maybe you can join us Sunday we just relax and later on talk or hang out here the site if you want more info about it
2657 S. Lawndale Ave Chicago, Illinois 60623
it start at 9:30 am and it on a school there a poster board outside too
Last one to post here wins

yukacchi @yukacchi
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Last one to post here wins
yukacchi @yukacchi
What is your favorite multiplayer online game.

yukacchi @yukacchi
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What is your favorite multiplayer online game.
yukacchi @yukacchi
If you're referring to console games, then Super Smash Bros. has to be my favorite. If it's an MMORPG, I prefer Onigiri Online.
May 17-19
May 16-18
May 15-17
Jul 3-5