Zanthia @zanthia
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Yellow Otaku
Zanthia @zanthia
Ehhh kinda boring had externship. So just work. How about you?

otaku_hazel @otaku_hazel
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
otaku_hazel @otaku_hazel
it's all fine.. ^^ yours?

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Lolz XD wouldnt that be nice.

Princess Rika @rika_chan93
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Princess Rika @rika_chan93
It was Okay. And yours?

Kourosake @kour0sake
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Kourosake @kour0sake
Good to hear ^-^ I'm fine myself for the time being. So what's up?

Kourosake @kour0sake
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Kourosake @kour0sake
Hi to you as well! And thank you, glad to be back. How're you?

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Lololz agreed XD but probably worth it. Youd just be happy and broke but still happy. I try not to buy them all at one time but its hard :(

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
For a minute I actually forgot about youtube, poor me thanx for that. Anything announced your looking forward too?

Princess Rika @rika_chan93
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Princess Rika @rika_chan93
Thank you ^.^

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Hiiiii! Yellow otaku, been a while. Im great I suppose just bored. Waiting on video game releases mostly but overall my summer kinda sucks still not so bad though. I think I missed E3 too?