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coachshiki @coachshiki
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coachshiki @coachshiki
but but but makoto?

blazesmith @blazesmith
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blazesmith @blazesmith
No idea bro.

xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
woah i just noticed this, is this a status thing like facebook?
Uhh hiya everyone^^

xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
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Uhh hiya everyone^^
xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
Welcome to the site!
Random Thoughts.

xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
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Random Thoughts.
xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
I sometimes get curious what my customers at the self checkout lane are thinking about when they spend 10 minutes staring at the screen doing nothing. (for context I work at a local grocery store and am usually the person watching the self scan machines.)