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akaiame @akaiame
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akaiame @akaiame
I know you haven't been on in a long time... but it'd be really cool if we could chat if you log on again sometime ^^;

cristin33330 @cristin33330
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cristin33330 @cristin33330
Hai there u could kill someone with tht bracelet xp

cherryfame @cherryfame
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cherryfame @cherryfame
Hello ^^
Guys who like conversation

xxJenovas_Witnessxx @xxjenovas_witnessxx
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Guys who like conversation
xxJenovas_Witnessxx @xxjenovas_witnessxx
Of course. Some other guys can't carry on a conversation to save their lives. It can get even more awkward when you mention you're into other men. "Don't hit on me!"...Like you're my type, anyway? Besides, can I not -just- talk to people without sexuality coming up?
I can go on and on about my interests, and I try my hardest not to be awkward, or anything. I was sheltered for a majority of growing up, so I can still have trouble; For the most part, my efforts are successful, it's still resulted in a lack of long-term friendships because I hardly have things in common with people that I meet face-to-face...or with what we have in common I end up being more or less passionate about it than they are. So I end up keeping most of my quality friendships online. I speak best on I don't mind. Sometimes.
Anyway, I'm new here, but anyone can hit me up, anytime on MSN. I'm always down to talk.