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25 year old Female
Last online over 6 years ago
Shachi878 @rani left a comment for xInsaneAssassin
Sep 15, 15 at 6:40pm
No problem!!
Sep 15, 15 at 11:50am
:3 I like to think you were positively indifferent about torture. >:( This is why you shouldn't share your cookies, people have a tendency to scare them, which in turns causes the cookie to crumble. xD I can't do stories, I start writing and then I almost immediately lose track of what's happening. *^* Maybe I AM YOUR ASSASSINATION PLANS!......nah I'm a person, I can't be that >.> :< You can try and persuade me otherwise all you'd like, oVo but now that I know you're super secretevilpreventionsecret you can't stop me now! xD You sound like a shonen main character. Your weakness is buckets because you had a traumatic childhood experience in which all of your village was force fed buckets by the evil bucket army. Everyone else was forced to endure years of buckettood except you, you managed to escape, promising to return to free your friends and family from their bucket overlords you set out on your quest to recover the seven mythical bucket balls. xD Art is all subjective so I'd like to think you've got so much more potential and could easily beat me in a art off. *^* Hey! Training a genius is hard work, sometimes you gotta take over so they don't blow the minds of all that view it. :D Wouldn't want the art class to have 10+ less students because their minds couldn't comprehend your masterpiece.
Sep 15, 15 at 8:07am
Hahaha, yeah. That's pretty much exactly what I imagined too. One gets the feeling that the teachers enjoy watching their pupils scramble around trying to get the work done. They could rather coordinate with each other to make the work load more manageable rather than lumping it together. That's just my opinion ;0 How are you coping with the work by the way?
XDD Well, some teachers are fun o/ But yeah the boring teachers are just... Ugh, don't get me started XDD Heh! Wow really!? Over 1 million!? That's insane :I To me something like that is just a pipe dream XD I've been wanting to do Youtube videos for a while and while I do have the resources and what-not, I just lack the time and my motivation is quite what it used to be ^^" Oh I think I might have seen that actually XD Though it's the same with me, no names come to mind sadly XD I've been off anime for a little bit though sadly :I Stuff going on and all that bleh :I
Sep 06, 15 at 7:19am
That's great to hear. The homework is a bit unfortunate ;0 I know what you mean. It's as if the teachers know when the homework will do the maximum damage to the students. A sixth sense that all teachers come built in with. Sometimes the different teachers give homework almost simultaneously too. The stack effect.
Sep 06, 15 at 1:49am
>:D That's the spirit! I think .-. I don't think torture is really something to be pumped about xD Awwwwwwwwww, but Air's got like....AIR! o3o xD If there's no visibility then what's the point of the mask? Why have one when there'll be no-one to appreciate the wonderful impression it'll leave. >.> Fiiiinnne, but I'm just saying tales of an unknown assassin wearing a mask of wonderment killing everyone around you only to leave you barely alive to tell the tale sounds a lot more interesting. =0= Hohohohoho, don't try to convince he otherwise! I've found you're one and only true weakness :< With this my plan for world domination will slowly reach fruition! ^^ Thanks for the compliment, but there's still a lot that I would've loved to done, but just never could get the hang of. In my eyes xD I don't think I'm that good. *A* Your art teacher can't stand how wonderfully magnificent your masterpieces are, it's hard to accept when you're training the next Da Vinci
Sep 03, 15 at 8:21am
No need to be sorry. You couldn't have known that I didn't like gore beforehand. How are you doing?
Sep 02, 15 at 10:54pm
xD Well think about it this way, torture :D can also be a kind of artistic expression! >.> I guess I see where you're coming from, the everyday slice of life portions can be boring if you don't find it really enjoyable :< x'D why night? it's not like they'd live to tell the tale? >:3 what self respecting assassin would leave their target alive! Aha! I've found the assassin's weakness! o=o BUCKETS
Aug 06, 15 at 8:07am
My pleasure. I heard of Umineko When They Cry and and a lot of people say it's very good. I don't deal so well with a lot of gore though ;0 Another looks interesting. Does it have a lot of gore too? Thanks for the suggestions.
XD Trust me you don't need to fix that o/ Honestly it makes you more endearing and fun to speak to actually XD People who speak like boring-arse adults are often the least interesting people to talk to :I Ah? Sounds like a fun summer job honestly o/ It's a lot more fun than a lot of the summer jobs going nowadays o/ I'm lucky to have part time in a book shop o/ Well honestly, the lady in PT isn't really someone you'd want to hang out with now do you, with all that head tilting and creepy smiling and stuff XDD Oh really popular? So is he like some kind of popular internet personality? Welp, theatres and my room XDD Even though I leave my curtains and window wide open in my room I never seem to get sunburnt XDD
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