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27 year old Female
Last online over 2 years ago
yo who is botherin mah boi wert? >:u
Aug 02, 16 at 11:17am
no way wertman....no matter what we'll still be in touch with you....don't go man.......oh and your phone number will be rad please
I'm starting to get depressed/upset from spending too much time here. I'm going back to my quiet, rarely on, and barely participating self. If you want a better way to communicate just ask:)
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82 I hope you are ok. Message me if you wanna chat :)
Max @reclaw Wut why, I love you Werti!
Max @reclaw Don't leave me alooone. ಡ_ಡ
Thank you very much for that funny message, it really cheered me up. Things on my end have gotten ever so more complicated and frustrating. I hope you can forgive me for being away for so long. It's not that wanted to stay away, just that... well... I had no other choice. I would say it's just another day in paradise, but even I; am starting to lose hope. As tempting as it maybe to tell you what has gotten me so low and desolate, I don't think it would be a good idea. Somethings I just have to deal with myself. However, I would like to thank you Darian for all the laughs and giggles that we've had over such a short time-span knowing each-other. At times when i've felt grim and sad, all it took was a few words of encouragement from you and I would be back on my feet in no time; that is a rare quality that you've inherited. Rarer still, when you've been faced with difficult and hard decisions. You simply stepped back, took a deep breath and carried on regardless of consequences that may occur. I admire you for that. I've had the honour of meeting you, and the privilege of getting to know you. Until the situation on my end has come to it's conclusion, I won't be coming back. Just know that thinking of you will give me a reason to smile, even on the worst days. Love, Chris. http://orig02.deviantart.net/5c93/f/2013/043/3/8/golden_tree_by_shinji_ai-d5uozdn.jpg
u prolly need a car equipped with tentacles http://s1.cdn.autoevolution.com/images/news/gallery/tentacle-cars-sure-why-not_1.jpg be safe
you did good too XD http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/903/981/985.jpg
totally not noticeable http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/710/730/7e4.jpg see its fine
sometimes you just gotta skip leg day http://m.quickmeme.com/img/93/93920203b0abeb2fd51ad0a14d94c4df3ba9f0e199a9bbe1971cd3b8609e75fb.jpg and nah not even XD
damn son http://img.memecdn.com/too-much-muscles_o_1541855.jpg
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup One day ima need you to show Max that if they get too out of control! If he goes full armstrong I WILL DIE!
oh wert i didnt see you there i was just working on my tan http://m.quickmeme.com/img/33/3344ab74c6939a97da7c8a1b4e6256fe6b7f312d64167b8d00e595eb0e2b648c.jpg