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27 year old Female
Last online over 2 years ago
http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2emecM0bQ1r5zfj8o1_500.gif sorry for the late response how are youand thank you^_^
I'm doing well thanks, I hope you're okay too! ^_^ I've had to put all of my projects to one-side and concentrate on my college course and work.. ;-; http://24.media.tumblr.com/7716ef547264521e476a067b1c8d2717/tumblr_mmwl4erFiF1s2kxflo1_500.gif http://reactiongifs.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/working-hard.gif https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--GmVQO-cl--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1273853108926142054.gif https://67.media.tumblr.com/65710ec91e759ee969db14f6454834ce/tumblr_o5ctejoLWa1udh5n8o1_500.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/60yTQLK9O7XlS/giphy.gif
Daggera @daggera I can relate to tha last one, at the bottom, yep...
Yeah it took me like 3 days to figure out the crafting system but like 3 months to figure out how to get a chest lol
Ok you get an S rating with a champion by having a high minion farm getting alot of kills and assists with the least amoubt of deaths blah blah blah basically carry the team. You get an S then they give you a mastery chest. Mastery chest are given to you for getting an S with a certain champ but you cant get 2 mastery chest for the same champ. You open mastery chest with keys which you can get easily by playing matches in aram. Once you open the chest you get either another champion which you may or may not own, A skin for a champion which you may or may not own, or ward skins which you may or may not own. To purchase those rewards you need blue and orange essence blue is used for champions orange for everything else you can get blue essence from breaking down the champion shard you got if you dont like that champ or already have them and use that essence toward another shard of a champion you do want.
Well essence is pretty much what you use in crafting to buy champions. You now get mastery chests and sometimes those chests give you either champions, skins, ward skins, or profile pics. For free. You get one per champ per season and the way to get them is by getting an S. Champ skins cost orange essence champs cost blue essence. You can now buy mystery champ shards in the store for 1700 ip you can break down champ shards and get blue essence or get 3 champ shards and reroll into champ permanent which whatever champ you get becomes a permanent part of your champion collection. I rerolled and got a malzahar. As for skins i have omega teemo, meowkai, void fizz, and highland tryndamere i only own teemo but i want to get fizz and maokai so i can use the skins
Wut us this essence you speak of?0.0 You should try her. She fun if you like cunning ninja-like moves to get rid of someone. Also insane lane push.
Well everyone wants mastery 7 but most only have mastery 6 i mean getting an s is hard and ontop of an s you need a champ shard 500 blue essence or a champ permanent irelia? Never played irelia so idk XD
Jun 26, 16 at 9:31am
http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/21b/f7e/405/resized/asdasdasd-meme-generator-don-t-like-it-fine-but-you-re-wrong-and-i-hate-you-770a06.jpg How I feel you feel right now lmfao XD But you're right you need a slow or impair to get them. Not unless you're Irelia and have low health. Which is needed for her e in you want to stun but they have to have more health. Also it gives the illusion that you're helpless. That's it? I thought it was this big hoopla of a thing.
No if you have a champ who can immobilize them that is the only way you will ever catch them out of all the times i played with fiora in bots i managed to kill him only once and its hard cuz idk how to use my ult cause i would ult him then he runs so i can never get all 4 vitals i play against garen cuz he is tanky and has the silence in his Q but also has the speed to run from me. Yeah nothing much just there to show off. You also get a new feature in game where you can get a little mastery logo to pop up above your head which people spam whenever they get a kill -_- most of which occur in a gank lol that doesnt show skill at all