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WolfKat @kirokun
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WolfKat @kirokun
Welcome to MO
I just gotta say tho... Your anime pic looks a hella lot like you O_o So good choice in anime pic ^-^

WatchfulGuardian @watchfulguardian
WatchfulGuardian @watchfulguardian
So bored. I hate house sitting for my uncle. There is nothing to do!
How will you die in the anime world?

WatchfulGuardian @watchfulguardian
commented on
How will you die in the anime world?
WatchfulGuardian @watchfulguardian
I will die in someone's arms.
Last one to post here wins

WatchfulGuardian @watchfulguardian
commented on
Last one to post here wins
WatchfulGuardian @watchfulguardian
What a strange week this has been for me.