Anti-spyware @joemama711
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Anti-spyware @joemama711
Oh nice you watched vrains as well? I like Gon, Ghost Girl and Revolver the most
vegas1988 @vegas1988 I haven't watched the show but I have played revolvers deck and had friends that have played gon and ghost girls decks
Anti-spyware @joemama711 Ohh I gotcha, I like revolvers deck but im not sure how practical it is
vegas1988 @vegas1988 It is fun especially with the later support they got
Anti-spyware @joemama711 Nice :3, I also liked Kaitos deck from Zexal! Idk why but I used to think life pointa were 8,000 not 4,000
vegas1988 @vegas1988 They are 8k in real life and yeah galaxy eyes is a fun deck I have never played it personally but a friend used to have one
vegas1988 @vegas1988
vegas1988 @vegas1988
rezero gets a season 3 announcement and horimiya is getting new episodes this july hell yeah hopefully more goods shows get info this weekend from anime japan
vegas1988 @vegas1988
vegas1988 @vegas1988
nice i really like alohan vulpix design and umbreon is my favorite of the eevee family
Reiki Sui @reiki1231
Reiki Sui @reiki1231
My favorite pokemon overall is vulpix, followed closely by espeon but my favorite legendary is actually Celebi but in the games, its miraidon
vegas1988 @vegas1988
vegas1988 @vegas1988
kinda bored i wish i had more people to chat with
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Right everyone is busy or gone.
vegas1988 @vegas1988 yeah sadly
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Now it’s just work work work then bills and then have a couple of days off but to tired to do anything or they don’t have the same days off and can’t do anything
vegas1988 @vegas1988 yeah i work four days a week and have all three days of the weekend off which can be boring when i dont got any plans
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Me too xD how many hours you work? I do 12 hour shifts
vegas1988 @vegas1988 i do 4 ten and a half shifts night shift
shyguy777 @shyguy777 I work 6 to 6 graveyard shift xD vampire life
vegas1988 @vegas1988 dang i am 4pm to 2:30am monday through thursday
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Tuesday through Friday for me xD
vegas1988 @vegas1988 nice
shyguy777 @shyguy777 But then again even if I didn’t work all the time or was not tired. Introvert here only social online xD
vegas1988 @vegas1988 introvert as well lol
shyguy777 @shyguy777 What do you play ?
vegas1988 @vegas1988 game wise?
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Anything lol from being bored lol I’m about to take up gardening xD
vegas1988 @vegas1988 damn that is bored lol and yeha i do play games currently genshin impact and earlier i wa playing resident evil 4 remake and i also play other games like pokemon on switch and fallout 76
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Nice I want to play resident evil 4 remake but I’ll wait till it’s cheaper lol
vegas1988 @vegas1988 i got it on discount luckily i got the deluxe edition for less then the nirmal version for steam lol
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Couple of trees I planted last year made it through the crazy weather so I’m happy about that. Now I’m going to try my hand with veggies like peppers tomatoes
vegas1988 @vegas1988 nice good luck i cant really do gardening given my adhd i lose interest too quickly lol
shyguy777 @shyguy777 I had a choice resident evil 4 or the Callisto Protocol
vegas1988 @vegas1988 nice i didnt get callisto protocol i got and beat dead space remake lol
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Omg if it’s anything like the original I bet it’s awesome xD the 2 and third were okay but not as good as the first
vegas1988 @vegas1988 it was honestly better then the original
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Really sweet I’ll probably get that sometime soon last weekend I beat a game called Inmost it was not very long but it was interesting
vegas1988 @vegas1988 its a blast i went in with high expectations and still was impressed
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Dude I want to buy another house but everything is crazy expensive right now :(
vegas1988 @vegas1988 i bet they are in nevada
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Yeah only one I found that was cheap and looked nice was in Pennsylvanian xD
shyguy777 @shyguy777 But I bet it’s cheap cause there is probably no work out there
vegas1988 @vegas1988 depends on where in pennsylvania it is
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Curwensville
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Been in Nevada all my life xD
vegas1988 @vegas1988 never heard of that city and i have been where i am my entire life as well
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Not sure what else to talk about xD
vegas1988 @vegas1988 thats fair have you watched any good anime here recently?
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Did you watch the reincarnation as a sword ? Or The Eminence in Shadow
vegas1988 @vegas1988 yep and yep and hey lets move this to messages i think ti might be easier lol
shyguy777 @shyguy777 Okay
jakjak @jakjak
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jakjak @jakjak
Where the old hanime?
vegas1988 @vegas1988
vegas1988 @vegas1988
i have that problem all the time lol
nanamik @nanamik
nanamik @nanamik
It starts half finished but i circle around and finish the lol i get bored easily and loose interest so quickly lol
vegas1988 @vegas1988
vegas1988 @vegas1988
I need more friends on here to chat with tbh
vegas1988 @vegas1988
vegas1988 @vegas1988
Being bored and lonely with nobody to chat with is a bad combination
vegas1988 @vegas1988
vegas1988 @vegas1988
I hate being lonely and alone so often it really sucks and can get depressing
vegas1988 @vegas1988
vegas1988 @vegas1988
Got the new dead space preloaded and am so ready to play it when I get up Friday afternoon