CaptainAura @captainaura
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CaptainAura @captainaura
I've cosplayed as a few male characters before and have a few in mind for future ideas, but I'm just very blunt and independent like Toph, like pretty much we have similar personalities but I have to admit I'm way more girly than she would ever want to be XD but it's honestly fun to cosplay as a guy because on several occasions I've been mistaken for a man and that's funny as hell to me XD
CaptainAura @captainaura
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CaptainAura @captainaura
I'm about 5'6 so I'm not really that good for a Toph height, but I think I have an attitude like Toph and it's a good excuse to walk around without shoes on xD and that's the only lolita dress I have =/ I wish I made more e_e; or could afford to make a steampunk outfit!
no @vangylen
no @vangylen
I would cosplay as her but I'm too tall :D
Youre pretty too ^ ^
You look really good in lolita!
CaptainAura @captainaura
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CaptainAura @captainaura
:D you're so gorgeous! my hair used to be like yours but I recently cut it kind of short and choppy for a Toph cosplay from Avatar the Last Airbender ^^