sallyskelington @sallyskelington
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sallyskelington @sallyskelington
The site is cool. I am still kind of getting used to it a bit. But, so far, I really like it! I hope it helps me make a lot more friends in my general area! :D
sallyskelington @sallyskelington
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sallyskelington @sallyskelington
Oh, yeah! Actually, I am! :D <3
bulimicpoptart @bulimicpoptart
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bulimicpoptart @bulimicpoptart
Hiya. How are you? [:
hungaryhetalia @hungaryhetalia
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hungaryhetalia @hungaryhetalia
Ahah, thank you!
sinnamon @sinnamon
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sinnamon @sinnamon
I've been to san jose a lot xp my parents used to live there across the street from chuck n' cheese when there were still apartments across from there. I've been to Fanime for the past 3 years :) super fun, i was there with my best from finland we're going again next year! :) were you there this year?
sinnamon @sinnamon
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sinnamon @sinnamon
I'm from Oakland ;p hows san jose? Theres a san jose anime club on meetup(dot)com but I dont know anyone on there x'D *sad face* So difficult not going to meet ups so far away :'(
sinnamon @sinnamon
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sinnamon @sinnamon
I meant to say yup* lol stupid itouch >.<
sinnamon @sinnamon
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sinnamon @sinnamon
Yu :) hello there~
sovietchan @sovietchan
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sovietchan @sovietchan
i added you too! ^-^
sovietchan @sovietchan
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sovietchan @sovietchan
actually (this is embarassing) but my cell is broken and i am jobless and have been mooching off my brothers ^^; but if you do end up making a skype, my is called augu.chan if you look it up on there...