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ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko

Last online over 3 years ago
Valparaiso, IN
omg hi neko
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Primarily to stay in Bloomington for college. I was going to try to transfer to USC but my greats weren't that stellar this year so I think I need to focus on improving my work ethic and graduate with the majors they have here. After Indiana, I do plan on doing grad school in California. I'm most likely going to end up working there, New York, or DC (where I've lived for 6 years previously). But all of this is distant future stuff. I enjoy how relaxing being in Bloomington is.
Your life sounds similar to go a guy I used to be friends with. A lot of his friends ending up spiraling downward, dying, or having kids so he became a bit anti-social. I'm glad you got out of there, though. Did you enjoy Oregon at all? The girl was a senior (which sucks, she was like a week away from graduating) and she called one of those rent-and-drive taxis...and unfortunately, the guy behind the wheel didn't plan on taking her home. They found her and then found the guy who did it, which I am thankful at least that happened. I'm pretty sure IU is tamed compared to other schools and this incident doesn't really pertain to the party scene here, but whenever I hear stories like this or kids falling down stairs or off balconies because they are too drunk it just makes me not want to participate ever. Way too dangerous. In a way, I guess you are right with most people chilling at people's houses instead of going out as large groups. It just feels safer to me. Oh! Another question, why are you headed to Joliet?
No, People's Park is still beyond creepy. It's funny because I don't know it by name but I know exactly which park you are talking about and it is still overrun by homeless people and druggies. And nah, the missing girl is still missing (I saw her poster 2 years ago when I came to visit). Also there was a girl who got murdered during Little 500 weekend, which was sad. Where are ya at now?
My most favorite horror movie is "Strangers," like that one is my number one, I do like the 1st insidious and paranormal activity when it first came out, but they overdid paranormal activity and ruin the scare after making 5 of them in my opinion. I also loved Oculus, Devil, Sinister, silent house, Orphan, the conjuring, Annabelle, As above so below,. and the old ones I loved was 1408 and Amityville horror. (those are the only ones at the moment I can think of) and for creepypasta I like most of them, my favorite is, "String Theory," , and one that was Ronald McDonald's house, can't remember the name specifically, girl in the photograph it was the one where a girl hold up the peace sign and at the end she hold up three fingers, that got me 0_0 and one was playing game he got texted to enter and once he enters he has to find a item that protects him, sorry if that's a little vague. But those ones I mention is one of the ones that are worthy to watch, well listen too, I like listening to them. but they're all pretty good stories
heard it was too short anyways.
I love David Tennant, I could have seen him recently but it would have been 400 dollars. that is a lot, that is a rent slip there.
Yeah, the 12th doctor is no on Netflix yet, so I rarely get to see him.
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