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Anime that NEED Another Season ?

TySenpai @tysenpai
commented on
Anime that NEED Another Season ?
TySenpai @tysenpai
I'd be pretty stoked if Fullmetal got another season though I feel both the original and brotherhood did a nice job tying things up... I know Berserk had that remake but I've only seen the original and that show NEEDED another season. It ends in the worst possible way; with your jaw on the floor and any hope of resolution shattered.
Dropping a few scribbles here.

TySenpai @tysenpai
commented on
Dropping a few scribbles here.
TySenpai @tysenpai
Looks dope dude! I wish I could draw half as good haha or at all! The manga slides in particular are really well made, have you thought about getting into animation at all? Great stuff!