NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
<img src="" alt="FORCE LIGHTNING" width="600" height="600" />
konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
Thanks for the compliment. I think Rosario Dawson is gorgeous! Yeah my anime club is pretty . . I don't know. They're just a lot of people who are kind of new. It's almost disappointing. I have to figure out what to show. Its going to be difficult. As a side note, you should go to nomoreheroes page and blow it up with all.the attacks you can think of.
NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
Btw, i agree with you. The new anime out is nothing compared to the old stuff. Today these kids are really missing out. Tisk
NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
Your the enforcer to the Kona Clan..
*Blinks his eyes*
omg, Konachan is such a comedian.
konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
Yeah i know what you mean in the vice pres of an anime club and we always have an " old school " month. We tried to show Evangelion one night which in my opinion isn't that old but not too many
people showed up. :\ When they say they don't like the art of it. It makes me mad because they aren't even giving it the time of day. Im ok with some of the new stuff but im getting tired of some because it has been so overdone. There aren't very many serious ones like there used to be either
konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
I Know! I feel like a lot of the older sruff is the "good stuff" its probably a personal bias. I think it should be available to liscense but your right, the big shot companies in the industry like funimstion dont go for the.older stuff. It is a business like you said. I have friends that ill recomend shows too but they wont watch it because it looks old. Its crazy and frustrating
konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
It makes sense that you had to download somethings. I dont think there is enough money in the world to buy all the anime in it lol. Just ignore nomoreheroes. Hes just mad im gaining some ground now that i have an enforcer. Haha.
konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
It makes sense that you had to download somethings. I dont think there is enough money in the world to buy all the anime in it lol. Just ignore nomoreheroes. Hes just mad im gaining some ground now that i have an enforver
NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
(My Voice in your head)
Konachan will serve under me..
Im the Emperor of this website...
If you join her side, you 2 will perish...
konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
Sounds interedting ill look it up. I dont have a problem with sports anime theyre surprisingly easy too watch. Theres usually a lot of overexaggerated comedy in a lot of them which makes it pretty great. :)