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What will we be in the future?

TheCrimsonAlchemist @thecrimsonalchemist
commented on
What will we be in the future?
TheCrimsonAlchemist @thecrimsonalchemist
I wish I had more hope for future generations, but right now I just don't know. When I was a kid and the Internet first came out, I thought the concept of free information for all would mean the end of all wars. Instead, the Internet has become a tool for misinformation and propaganda and the situation worldwide has only gotten worse since then. In 100 years, I'll be happy if we haven't wiped ourselves all out (or been wiped out by sentient androids, whom I would like to give certain rights as long as they abide by the laws of robotics).
Anyone from California?

TheCrimsonAlchemist @thecrimsonalchemist
commented on
Anyone from California?
TheCrimsonAlchemist @thecrimsonalchemist
Torrance, SoCal here. Might be moving up to San Francisco in June though. : D