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As the World Burns
thankkyou @thankkyou
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As the World Burns
thankkyou @thankkyou
VerucAssault @verucassault
Ah, I see. Thank you been trying to get a real opinion about myself for the longest for clarity. If what you say is how everyone feels then I am at lost. I don't get people at all then. I understand your words. But the signs you mention I don't see. It's probably best I do something productive as you said. All of this is understandable. I don't think I am capable of these things and correct communication. I Don't Get It. Even how I communicate now Is extremely hard. If what you say is true. I have no business doing what I am doing. I had no idea I was trolling.
I always knew I was incapable of things. But, no one would tell me. This is me I thought I was displaying myself the whole time. I'm Big Different. I Don't Get It Not Even In The Slightest. I mean I get it...
But I don't know how to do what you do. I didn't know I was viewed like that. Definitely wasn't my intention. I'm big off it's probably best I don't interact with others cuz I completely don't get it.
I'm so lost.
Gonna focus on getting help I've been wanting to know how off I was for a long time. Now Isee I need big help.
There is no me but the one I displayed.