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34 year old Male
Last online about 2 years ago
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for sushie
Dec 27, 18 at 12:48am
Dude, that's pretty big or at least above average, but I'm not one to talk when I have a family of 13 lol. I haven't gone to any Chicago conventions as of yet. The first convention I went to was in Eau Claire, WI and it threw me for a loop. As in it didn't seem like something I would be interested in. Ever since then, I've felt like since I experienced one and didn't like it, there was no point in going to another one. How about yourself bro?
lucalu @lucalu left a comment for sushie
Dec 26, 18 at 1:48pm
never actually :o Ive been to liberty con and anime nyc
lucalu @lucalu left a comment for sushie
Dec 26, 18 at 1:33pm
Ive been to 2 so far xD I wanna make it a thing
Dec 25, 18 at 11:11am
Merry Christmas Everyone! xD
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for sushie
Dec 23, 18 at 4:50pm
I'm across the lake from WI, but i'm going to school in Milwaukee, so nearer to Chicago. Doesn't sound like to bad of a holiday. How big is the fam?
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for sushie
Dec 23, 18 at 3:05pm
Yep, I'm enjoying my break. Got home yesterday and woke up this morning to my mom's good old screeching lol. Sometimes you miss the weirdest things when you've been away from home for so long. I got to see quite a few of my family and hanged out w/ my nieces this morning. If we were closer I wouldn't mind hanging out bro. I'd like to go see some of the xmas lights downtown, maybe later w/ the fam. Are you going home for the holidays?
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for sushie
Dec 23, 18 at 1:57am
Hey same-age bud, how's life during the winter, enjoying the chills?
Dec 11, 18 at 2:17am
Helloooooooooooo ^_^
edio @edio left a comment for sushie
May 26, 16 at 6:43pm
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