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Am I doomed to be Single forever?

stratify @stratify
Am I doomed to be Single forever?
stratify @stratify
I'm a Korean who pretty much did nothing but watch anime, play games, and study throughout college. Well, now I graduated, got a relatively successful professional career, but have zero social life.
I believe the main problem is my autistic nature and eccentric behavior. I got zero game. I spend most of my life playing StarCraft 2 and laughing at articles on
I got very few people who I can call friends, have very little dating experience, my jokes are all crude, japanese, and elementary.
I've hit on a few girls during college, who expressed some interest, but I always end up ruining it with my awkwardness.
I tried so hard to learn how to socialize and all that, ended up in utter failure.
What do I do?