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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
The Avengers was an awesome movie. You remind me of Hawkeye. You guys both use a bow and arrow to kick ass.

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Yeah I plan on seeing it when I get the chance for my mom's birth day I'm taking her to see the new MIB movie that's coming out

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Yah! Superheroes are great, but unfortunately between school and other such expenses I haven’t the money to go see a movie :(, and everyone who has seen it says it was awesome and one of the best superhero movies ever.