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Bakagami @bakagami
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Bakagami @bakagami
Junjou Romantica fan :D Yaaay
Nice to meet you ^^

SoRiku @crazedyaoiotaku
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SoRiku @crazedyaoiotaku
xD It started out because I have this really bad habit of shipping characters while watching movies. My friends are always like “You can’t make all of them gay!” and I just sit back and look for pairings. That whole “performance issue” comment in the avengers, and the fact that Tony is like the only one Loki can’t take control of because of the Arc Reactor…they also both have some daddy issues (that might be an understatement) Plus Tony is a narcissist xD he would LOVE the idea of having a god want him. OH! There is the whole intelligence thing too. That’s why I don’t like people that pair tony with Steve /captain America xD because I feel like Tony needs to be with someone that can have an intellectual conversation, without that I think he would get bored xD
I’ve actually read a lot of Joker/Batman FanFiction xD I mean the Joker makes it way to hard not to ship them.
As for games I play …I like a lot of jrpgs like Tales of Xilla , Hyperdimension Neptunia , the Atelier series, Final fantasy , The dragon quest series, Fire Emblem..idk stuff like that :3 I obviously love kingdom hearts xD I own all of the games and have a tattoo of “SoRiku”. Zelda is what I was raised on :3 I use to play A link to the past and majors mask like daily when I was little. I use to play a lot of Call of Duty and other boring 1st person shooters, mainly because that’s what my friends play.

SoRiku @crazedyaoiotaku
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SoRiku @crazedyaoiotaku
I have like the longest list of couples ever xD But my main ones right now are SasuNaru,FrostIron(Loki and Tony Stark),Levi and Eren from attack on titan, SebaCiel,and of course Sora and Riku...I even have SoRiku tattooed on my wrist xD (crazy fangirl)

starlightwolf @starlightwolf
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starlightwolf @starlightwolf
My favorite megaman game that i've played over and over again is megaman legends, my favorite series is the battle network series, and my favorite character would have to be megaman himself lol.
What do guys think about Yaoi?

starlightwolf @starlightwolf
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What do guys think about Yaoi?
starlightwolf @starlightwolf
I like yaoi but more on the shounen-ai side where there's the cutesy romance stuff, >.> i also like traps though. I'm a big yuri fan too.