agentshrimp @agentshrimp
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agentshrimp @agentshrimp
GTO enjoyer! What kind of hiking do you do?

ロイ @wallace614
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ロイ @wallace614
Yo I saw you game so are you pc or console?

TheBoredAdventurer @theboredadventurer
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TheBoredAdventurer @theboredadventurer
yo, what kind of hiking do you do? ive never done it legit, but getting lost in nature has always been a very soul-cleansing experience for me lol

spicyfishtaco @spicyfishtaco
spicyfishtaco @spicyfishtaco
Yo i'm back for good now

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 You sure about that?

foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
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foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
it says we have a lot in common so hi we can be frands

spicyfishtaco @spicyfishtaco
spicyfishtaco @spicyfishtaco
Hi everyone I hope we can become great friends!!!