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CynicismAtItsBest @askmeanything
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CynicismAtItsBest @askmeanything
Ich hoffe du hast One Piece mit null bewertet, wäre gerechtfertigt. XD

blake_lee @blake_lee
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blake_lee @blake_lee
You're welcome ^-^

blake_lee @blake_lee
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blake_lee @blake_lee
Welcome! ^-^ I loved the Re:Zero ending I recommend you watch Re:Zero break time, it's really funny and adorable.
Hey guys :]

soranomichi @soranomichi
Hey guys :]
soranomichi @soranomichi
I'm a newbie from Germany, I had no idea a site like this even existed so I don't really know what to expect. I just finished watching re:zero and now I'm looking for a new show to watch. So yeah, recommendations welcome and all ^^