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34 year old Female
Last online 5 months ago
Singapore, Singapore
SLP to PHP: When Love and Money Clash
In the rise of blockchain-based play-to-earn gaming, perhaps no economy has embraced the model as fervently as the Philippines and Axie Infinity's SLP token. Yet this pioneering intersection of crypto and peso wages has revealed harsh truths about the volatility inherent in yoking real-world incomes to cryptocurrencies' fiat exposures.
The SLP Courtship
From its inception, the narrative around Axie Infinity brilliantly sold the dream - grind away collecting cute digital pets called Axies, earn Smooth Love Potion (SLP) tokens for your efforts, and then freely cash those out for hard peso currency. For tens of thousands of Filipinos facing limited economic prospects, it was an tantalizing pitch.
"I remember first hearing about Axie and SLP and thinking it sounded too good to be true," recalled Leni Bacarro, a 28-year-old mother of two who signed up in 2021. "A video game where you could quite literally earn your living? It was like a fantasy Income source."
Those first flushes of SLP-to-peso trading stoked the fantasy. With brief peaks of SLP worth ₱4 or ₱5 each in that giddy launch phase, Leni watched players around her quitting corporate jobs to pursue full-time Axie gaming salaries. The affair with SLP as a legitimate earner made perfect sense.
The Peso's Fury
Yet by 2022, that honeymoon started curdling as SLP's value soured not against major cryptocurrencies or USD rates, but when pegged to the ever-volatile Philippine peso itself. Always an active participant in global foreign exchange turmoil, the peso embarked on one of its trademark temperamental stretches, shedding over 10% against the US dollar in just a few months.
For SLP earners like Leni Bacarro, the peso's tantrums created overnight income devastation. "In August 2022, I could cash out 1,000 SLP for around ₱900," she recalled wistfully. "By November of that year? That same 1,000 SLP paid out just ₱550 or so. All from the peso losing value, nothing else."
Across the Axie player community, tales of slashed peso salaries spread with growing outrage. Those willing to grind dawn-to-dusk collecting SLP saw their PHP-denominated wages plunge by over 50% in some cases, all simply due to the Philippines' forex volatility wreaking havoc on their earnings.
As Bacarro lamented: "I kept showing up with the same effort and SLP production, but getting paid substantially less just because of these crazy peso swings I had zero control over. That's not a real income at all."
Fostering Trust Through Turmoil
For the legions of Filipinos seduced by SLP's alluring promises, watching a fickle local currency disrupt the narrative around stable gaming wages spawned a crisis of faith. The romance, it seemed, had been an ill-fated love from the start.
Yet as the community's Discords and forums lit up with vitriol against the volatility, others attempted to re-foster trust. For many, SLP still represented a income stream that the nation's gig economy and labor markets could not replicate at scale.
"I'm not going to lie, those peso devaluations against SLP were absolutely brutal to our household's cash flow," said Bacarro. "But I also have to remember that before Axie, I had no real way to earn any income professionally while caring for my kids. As rocky as the SLP ride has been, it still unlocked a living that likely wouldn't have existed otherwise."
The pragmatism reflects the nuanced truth that blockchain gaming incomes like SLP - while far from perfect or stable today - still serve as a vital income tranche for populations like the Philippines' unbanked masses. It's a risk-laden but unparalleled economic opportunity set.
So while the SLP-to-peso volatility has battered idealistic income dreams at times, stories of perseverance still abound among the hustle of grinding Axies daily. The scorned love affair endures, with many players making peace with SLP and embracing its still-profound wage potential - peso turmoil and all.
As Leni Bacarro summarized: "Was being an Axie player exactly as richly rewarding in pesos as we all hoped? No, sadly not yet. But I have to believe that Axie and SLP opened doors to an income most of us in the underbanked world never could have reached before. For that alone, the love endures."