Daggera @daggera
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Azure Chevalier
Daggera @daggera
I only look sad because I want to hold you but even though I know it will happen doesn't mean the longing is not there. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d0/87/56/d087566f4cd1864ab05a76b7f1340111.jpg
Daggera @daggera
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Azure Chevalier
Daggera @daggera
Maya @maydragon
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Azure Chevalier
Maya @maydragon
I am master of cri, after all!
Maya @maydragon
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Azure Chevalier
Maya @maydragon
I steal it back!!!
Maya @maydragon
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Azure Chevalier
Maya @maydragon
Did you just steal me supernova cri????
VeZeal @axlex
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Azure Chevalier
VeZeal @axlex
Well they wanted to add a lot more to Xillia but couldn't, so Xillia 2 was made so they could put in the extras like the expanded lore of Elympios and such. Plus Ludger's weapon switch and Chromatus were amazing. But I can see how others could not get into it as much as the first, especially after not much time has passed since the first came out.
Oh yeah, Berseria takes place 1000 years before Zestiria in the same world. So yeah, it's a prequel. I even joked a while back how it was this generation's Symphonia XD. And yes, Edna's brother does become a dragon by the time Zestiria begins, and you have the option of putting him out of his misery near the end of the game since fully transformed dragons cannot return to who they were before. So I paid my respects after I finished Berseria.
Lloyd's wanted poster is a classic and in my opinion the best wanted poster in the series. My first Tales game was Phantasia and didn't get to play Symphonia until the Wii era. I played 1 and 2 back to back. I wish I could play Vesperia.
Tee @ennis93
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Azure Chevalier
Tee @ennis93
ver chill
Azure Chevalier @silhouettes_02 Amazing. *_* thank you. I've been trying to find something for you recently but I haven't found anything that exceeded my expectations for you.
Tee @ennis93 No problem! Aha - came across it - I'm glad yoou like it *_* My music and drinking partner waha.
Azure Chevalier @silhouettes_02 You know it! I'll find something fit for you today. ^^
VeZeal @axlex
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Azure Chevalier
VeZeal @axlex
Aww it's really too bad how you were disappointed by Xillia 2, but both Xillias have caused fans to split on whether they like them or not. But yeah, Zestiria really left a bad taste in just about everyone's mouths and I'm no exception. The only reason I checked it out again recently was to visit the grave of Edna's brother, who is one of your party members in Berseria. He deserved better after Berseria.
Anyway, few of the other games can beat the amazing game that was Abyss. That's still my favorite older Tales game. So I hope Berseria restores some faith in the series again. Unfortunately, no wanted posters, but nothing beats Symphonia's.
Ed~ @yamadaed HA I remember this scene
Daggera @daggera
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Azure Chevalier
Daggera @daggera
Aka-san @redhawk Your Waifu needs you
‍Animekid @animekid O.o
Aka-san @redhawk Womb Raider, go to your waifu!
Azure Chevalier @silhouettes_02 She found a much better version of what I sent her and I'm definitely okay with that.
VeZeal @axlex
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Azure Chevalier
VeZeal @axlex
Man I remembered that Zestiria was bad, but going back to it for a quick errand was...