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shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
omh its almost purim and i'm not even ready for it XD i don't know exactly what i'm going to do for my costume :((

shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
just finished watching balls of fury, might download grave of the fireflies! :> who here likes that?

shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
in class copying down some japanese words, i'm converting my receipt from hebrew to japanese! going to download some anime soon from the anime haven xD
Super Smash Bros. Any of them

shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
commented on
Super Smash Bros. Any of them
shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
sm4sh, roy is def my fav. <<3 however i have a soft spot for cloud because its FREAKING cloud!! >,< #don'tjudge, fav stage have to say town and city, but i really like the music in midgar because MIDGAR!!
Making another skype group c:

shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
commented on
Making another skype group c:
shadowlion3167 @shadowlion3167
hmm my username is Olliver316