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Deleted @namisetsaiii
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Deleted @namisetsaiii
That's cool! Do you plan on going to one of those Bleach cosplay meetups that they may or may not have (Honestly, I'm not sure if there is one since I don't go to many of those photo shoots)?I actually hope to finish one more cosplay before Acen: Heather Mason from the Silent Hill series. However, I do plan to go as female Ranma from Ranma 1/2 for sure! Is this your first ACEN or have you gone before?

Deleted @namisetsaiii
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Deleted @namisetsaiii
Sorry for the late response! Yes, I am going to ACEN this year, and for all 3 days.Are you going?

Uru @uru
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Uru @uru
Im good :) how r u(ps i may not b on when u reply maybe for a while so ur welcome to txted me if u want)