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scthi @scthi
scthi @scthi
It's my first time for this web site. It's been a while since I joined Mai Otaku. However, I will be getting back where I left off.

scthi @scthi
scthi @scthi

Sorry for being absent, I have my hands full this year with work and my parents surgeries, but I haven't stopped looking for my otaku lover. I did attend A-Kon, Animefest and Anime North Texas and had a great time. I cosplayed as Kyuoma Mabuchi from Dimension W. Next year I will celebrate 20 years at Animefest and I hope to start working on my next cosplay outfit. I also joined cosplay amino. An app for cosplayers. Here is a photo of my new outfit. Keep in touch.

scthi @scthi
scthi @scthi
I'm sorry that I haven't logged back or checked in lately, however, I just wanted to see if there are any cosplay/anime girls that are still looking for a date or a boyfriend. I'm still available. I just celebrated my 20 years with A-kon in Dallas, Texas last year. Right now my seamstress and I are going to get started with my cosplay costume projects. A Luke Skywalker Jedi outfit, Kyuoma Mabuchi from Dimension W, and Count Tigrevurmud Vorn from Lord Marksman and Vandis.
Project A-kon

scthi @scthi
Project A-kon
scthi @scthi
I will be getting ready for Project A-kon next week. It will be held at the Anatole Hilton hotel in Dallas, TX on June 2-5 2016. Also, cosplayer queen Ya Ya Han will be attending.
A-KON 27, YO!

scthi @scthi
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A-KON 27, YO!
scthi @scthi
I have been attending A-Kon for 19 years. This year I will celebrate 20 years! I am trying to work on a cosplay or a banner/sign showing photos, program books, etc to mark my 20 years. I just don't attend A-kon, I live it.