elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Good morning~
Lisanthur @sanfi Oew, this time you're making the pancakes?
elhaym @elhaym I will! Later~
Lisanthur @sanfi Oew, how enticing ^^
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Belated good morning ^-^
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Lisanthur @sanfi You too ^^
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
I'm wondering if you like traditions like hanami~
Lisanthur @sanfi I'm not that big a fan of flowers, but I do like certain types of trees a lot
Lisanthur @sanfi Japanische Kirschblüte und Trauerweide zum Beispiel
Lisanthur @sanfi Trauerweide ist mein Favorit
elhaym @elhaym Ohh I see~ Meine frage bezog sich auf das Kirschblütenfest~ ich liebe es die Kirschblüten zu betrachen und war bisher jedes Jahr in Hamburg, um mit Freunden diesen Tag zu genießen. Leider ist es dieses Jahr abgesagt ;_; (und ja, ich begrüße safety first). Meine Freundin hat mir jedesmal eines ihrer Yukata ausgeliehen und meine Haare hübsch gemacht. Wie gerne hätte ich einen eigenen Yukata~ Trauerweiden finde ich auch sehr sehr hübsch. Und spenden auch eine Menge an Schatten~
elhaym @elhaym Aber das Schönste an der Hanami war immer die Geselligkeit ^^
Lisanthur @sanfi It's sad that events like that have to be cancelled due to the entire situation, but I agree completely that safety goes first. I've never been to a festival like that and honestly wouldn't know what it would be like for me. I'm very sensitive to certain smells, so it might give me a headache or be intoxicatingly amazing. Ich könnte mich so vorstellen dass deine Haare immer hübsch sind ~.^
Lisanthur @sanfi When you wrote Geselligkeit, I was so enthusiastic. We have the same word in Dutch, but people who don't speak Dutch never understand that word XD
elhaym @elhaym What kind of smells gives you headaches? Da solche Feste sogut wie draußen stattfinden, wird man von extremen Gerüchen nicht belästigt. Ich mag die dezenten Düfte, die ein Kirschblütenbaum absondert - der Duft von Jasmin ist auch wunderschön~ ich verstehe dich da sehr gut. Es gibt Gerüche, die ich gar nicht ab kann.
elhaym @elhaym Does Geselligkeit have another meaning in Dutch than in German? *thinking face*
elhaym @elhaym I think that Gezelligheid might have the same meaning :3
Lisanthur @sanfi Yup, gezellig was considered one of the most Dutch words in our language. A study showed that it's one of the most commonly used words and yet it is really hard to translate
Lisanthur @sanfi Certain kind of perfumes can be too intense for me, for example and they can make me feel either lightheaded or give me headaches
elhaym @elhaym Gezellig is a very nice word. I like it so far. Ohh I really know too well what you mean in speaking of perfumes! Having the same issue unfortunately. And it's hard to tell someone if they wear a perfume what let me feel uncomfortable :o
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What sort of new skills would you say I have gained though? I'm always curious about others outlooks, helps me to keep an eye on me and address things overtime
( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
Lisanthur @sanfi Well, it was meant as the setup to a joke about necromancy. But fair question, so honest answer: in my opinion you've learned to deal with people better. Not only those you like, but also definitely those people you don't like. Furthermore, you somehow seem more coherent or eloquent. Although I have no real proof of this, from the way you talk, I get the feeling that you're coping better with situations in general
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Good morning :)
Lisanthur @sanfi Oew, that's a really good picture
elhaym @elhaym I like it also~
Lisanthur @sanfi I always spend lots of time trying to find a gif and I always kind of use the first one that gets my emotions across, but your pictures are always so atmospheric
elhaym @elhaym I'm looking for pictures what fits to my mood - or "what would I like to do in that moment (if it were irl)?"
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
good night xD
Lisanthur @sanfi Sleep tight ^^
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
good morning :)
Lisanthur @sanfi Good morning to you too, Elly ^^
Lisanthur @sanfi That made me smile :D
elhaym @elhaym Aww ^-^
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Because you asked for it. Der Eisprung ist hier entscheidend. Da weibliche Chromosomen stärker als die männlichen sind, überleben diese länger im Samenerguss. Je näher die Befruchtung zum Tag des Eisprunges statt fand, desto höher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, einen Jungen zu bekommen. In der Grafik wird als Beispiel ein Eisprung-Kalender angezeigt (eine Verdeutlichung).
Lisanthur @sanfi Ah, so there's two days on which there's a higher likelihood of a daughter versus one day higher likelihood of a son
Lisanthur @sanfi The Chinese must not have gotten the memo
elhaym @elhaym Yes. I think that's why so many women are crazy about to have intercourse on their ovulation
Lisanthur @sanfi Ovulation is a wonderful word. It's given joy to many a man XD