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Morex @rsmorex
Morex @rsmorex

This is the design I drew up for my socket I gave the clinic a black silk shirt, gold leaf, silver leaf, a good mythical morning mythical society patch, and a custom made sticker where my CHL logo is transparent to put gold leaf behind it.

Morex @rsmorex
Morex @rsmorex

Tried out my prosthetic test fit socket last week
Report Thread

Morex @rsmorex
commented on
Report Thread
Morex @rsmorex
I want to report this account! it is obviously a child sending unsolicited lifted shirt photos to people! How do you report an account??
New Guy!

Morex @rsmorex
New Guy!
Morex @rsmorex
Hello I'm new I found this site randomly while looking for anime recommendations.
My favorite genre is Isekai but my ADHD and inability to learn Japanese (wish I could take a class it's hard to learn on your own just by googling and watching videos) makes it impossible to watch subbed so I have to watch dubbed.
I know most people look down on us who watch dubbed over subbed but I just can't read and pay attention to the visual part of the show at the same time and I get distracted to where I even have to rewind my dubs too cause I missed something lol.