Wrinkles are the number one enemy of aging women. Owning beautiful, healthy and smooth skin is always the dream of women. Learn how to tighten facial skin, smooth wrinkles and reverse signs of aging with the information below.
Facelifts and causes of skin aging
Skin aging is a natural process of the body that slotjp88 cannot be avoided. This mini facelift is also known as “intrinsic skin aging”. Depending on the location of each person, the skin condition can age sooner or later. That's why there are people who look 30 but look 50 or vice versa.
Your appearance depends on your understanding of your skin and its aging process. In addition to the main cause of age, the degree of skin aging in each person also depends on the following 2 groups of causes:
internal factors (genetics, hormones, location...) and the impact of external factors (sunlight, pollution, radiation, chemicals, toxins...)
Let's take a look at some of the main causes of aging:
The internal causes that factors can be mentioned are:
Loss of collagen and elastin:
The main cause of the decline of these two proteins is age. At the age of 25, on average, the skin loses 1% of collagen each year and gradually increases over time, by the age of 50, the skin has lost up to 45% of collagen.
Furthermore, collagen and sensational88 elastinity can also be destroyed by other external factors such as the sun and pollution.
Besides these two proteins, over time, we also lose the amount of fat under the skin layers, causing the outermost layer of skin to thin and sag, forming wrinkles, causing increasingly serious skin aging.
Due to heredity
A lesser known cause is that the aging process of the skin is also influenced by genetic factors. If your parents had wrinkles as children, you may inherit this trait.
However, we can completely age our skin less or more than our parents, depending on the level of sun exposure, diet, skin care process, daily habits.
Facelifts and causes of skin aging
Skin aging is a natural process of the body that slotjp88 cannot be avoided. This mini facelift is also known as “intrinsic skin aging”. Depending on the location of each person, the skin condition can age sooner or later. That's why there are people who look 30 but look 50 or vice versa.
Your appearance depends on your understanding of your skin and its aging process. In addition to the main cause of age, the degree of skin aging in each person also depends on the following 2 groups of causes:
internal factors (genetics, hormones, location...) and the impact of external factors (sunlight, pollution, radiation, chemicals, toxins...)
Let's take a look at some of the main causes of aging:
The internal causes that factors can be mentioned are:
Loss of collagen and elastin:
The main cause of the decline of these two proteins is age. At the age of 25, on average, the skin loses 1% of collagen each year and gradually increases over time, by the age of 50, the skin has lost up to 45% of collagen.
Furthermore, collagen and sensational88 elastinity can also be destroyed by other external factors such as the sun and pollution.
Besides these two proteins, over time, we also lose the amount of fat under the skin layers, causing the outermost layer of skin to thin and sag, forming wrinkles, causing increasingly serious skin aging.
Due to heredity
A lesser known cause is that the aging process of the skin is also influenced by genetic factors. If your parents had wrinkles as children, you may inherit this trait.
However, we can completely age our skin less or more than our parents, depending on the level of sun exposure, diet, skin care process, daily habits.