What is there to know about me. Well my name is Britnee. I dont really like my name so most come up with something. Consitering I adore Sasuke I am called Sasu. n____n; I am 15, and my birthday is on April 4th. I am told I am a scene, or emo kid, but I am really just myself and do as I wish and act like a want. I am in love with anime. It is a good part of my life. The other half is Andy Sixx' Sexyness :D I am a good person and I am also really nice. A lot of people take advantage of that. I'm Pretty easy to get along with. I am rarely on the internet anymore, but I do get on. I am bisexual, prefferably pansexual. I dont really care what you are as long as your not a animal >_>; exceptions to wolfs, or foxes x3. So yeah. Enough with all the about me just talk to me eh?