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cookiereaper @cookiereaper
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cookiereaper @cookiereaper
Thanks ^^
Love you pic of goblin slayer ^^

Ace_akai @ace_akai
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Ace_akai @ace_akai
Same here bro! It's nice to meet you as well~
So, what anime do you like most? I can understand that it can be pretty hard to decide sometimes xD

Razzlie @razzlie
Razzlie @razzlie
post sexy pics of yourself

Razzlie @razzlie
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post sexy pics of yourself
Razzlie @razzlie
Hah jokes on you Max I don't wear pants!
post sexy pics of yourself

Razzlie @razzlie
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post sexy pics of yourself
Razzlie @razzlie
Yep that's quite cute indeed
A bit too much perhaps
I feel my chest tightening o.o