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ayamitsu @ayamitsu
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ayamitsu @ayamitsu
Sorry for my delay but I've been sick lately nice to meet you hope all is well

ayamitsu @ayamitsu
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ayamitsu @ayamitsu
Hi new friend

kuri2 @kuri2
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kuri2 @kuri2
I kind of cosplay... the only anime cosplay I have done is a Survey Scout from Attack on Titan though lol
I try to attend one or two conventions a year, usually MTAC in middle TN and/or AWA in Atlanta, GA.
Ikkicon Austin Tx Sailo Moon

ramjet777 @ramjet777
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Ikkicon Austin Tx Sailo Moon
ramjet777 @ramjet777
Awesome Im gonna be mercury this year!
Hello there=)

ramjet777 @ramjet777
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Hello there=)
ramjet777 @ramjet777
Thank you !