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Yuki @ichigo55
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Yuki @ichigo55

Yuki @ichigo55
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Yuki @ichigo55
S-So you're okay with it? ^^

Yuki @ichigo55
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Yuki @ichigo55
I'm sorry if you don't really like that I'm one year older though ^^"
Anime Orgy

RakkettRahu @rakkettrahu
Anime Orgy
RakkettRahu @rakkettrahu
Howdy, I'm gonna be organizing an orgy at the next Yaoi-Con.
If you're interested in fulfilling your wildest Yaoi dreams in real life or even watching it, hit me up.
Gotta send pictures of yourself and of the cosplay you'll be wearing if you're gonna wear one.
Who else here is from Hell?

RakkettRahu @rakkettrahu
Who else here is from Hell?
RakkettRahu @rakkettrahu
I need to know so I can make my eternal damnation that much easier
I'm in the fourth circle, hmu if you are too.