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chasets20 @chasets20
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chasets20 @chasets20
lol ok maggit, miss so called navy seal, i am in the marine corp, im an E-4 sargent and you have given classified into over the iternet, i would like your rank your identification number, and if not you will be contacted by the v8ah1 special unit for disposal of your into your your and your life, so id like to know what gives you the right to threaten a girl with your so called skills, which you dont have. you have 24 hours to comply or there WILL be consequences.

duopkik @duopkik
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duopkik @duopkik
Hey, really like your hair :)

nunu137 @nunu137
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nunu137 @nunu137
Looking for a relationship

rachelkouku @rachelkouku
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Looking for a relationship
rachelkouku @rachelkouku
wait a second, I was not saying I wanted a boyfriend to stop being a virgin and having sex every day, I just want a normal boyfriend. the topic of sex does not bother me
Looking for a relationship

rachelkouku @rachelkouku
Looking for a relationship
rachelkouku @rachelkouku
Hi, i'm Rachel from USA. I'm 16 and i never had a serious boyfriend. And i'm virgin.
I'm looking for a serious relationship with a boy who loves the anime like me. Just to know
I never had a serious boyfriend. Only some kisses with some guys.
Please answer me, i'm trying to be happy!
Private massaje, please !