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Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
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Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
You look like Sailor Mars...

Strike85 @genestarwind
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Strike85 @genestarwind
Hey there hows it going. New to this sight but looking for someone to get to know. Let me know if you are interested.

Bureiku @bureiku
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Bureiku @bureiku
Hey what's up?
What 'Type' do you like?

sadasl @quul
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What 'Type' do you like?
sadasl @quul
Doesn't everyone choose the "nice guy" or "bad boy?" You get sick of one, choose another.
I'm kidding, but really? I guess you could say I'm picky. Unless you're insanely awesome I may not care about your looks that much, but it does take some physical attraction for things to work out on my end.